micoil classic

The published scientific research of the MICOIL study proves the benefits of the product in brain function.


A gift of nature to man

As Hippocrates of Kos (460 – 377 BC), father of medical science, said: “Prevention is better than cure” so:

MICOIL is a nature’s gift to man!

It is a completely natural product based on the fresh juice of green unripe olive fruits or in other words an Early harvest, high phenolic, extra virgin olive oil. 

Based on its quality and its bioactive natural ingredients and characteristics ensured by scientific production and standardization methods, MICOIL is one of the top functional foods. It is the only product of its kind in the world, that has been applied to patients with Mild Cognitive impairment, proving its exceptional value and health benefits, through multiple clinical and laboratory studies.

MICOIL contains:

  • high source of unsaturated fatty acids
  • contains Omega-9
  • contains olive oil phenols which own antioxidant properties, and their quantity is over 250% more than the limit according to the regulation of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.(result method LC/MS-MS)
  • natural plant based food


What makes MICOIL special
  • It is the only early harvest extra virgin olive oil in the world, which proves its exceptional value for excellent brain function, through multiple scientific studies and clinical research applied to human patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment, which most of the time leads to Alzheimer disease. You may read all the studies’ results in the published papers section.
  • The natural phytochemicals contained in MICOIL are bioactive and many of them work naturally and protectively for our health on a balanced diet basis.
  • Its name comes from the anagram of the name "Mild Cognitive Impairment" and the word "oil".
  • It's excellent primary packaging of sterilized dark glass pharmaceutical bottles ensures protection from light, and by containing modified nitrogen atmosphere it can be ensured the absence of oxygen and its long the shelf-life.
  • All packaging materials are environmentally friendly.
  • The product is not tested on animals, and it is NON GMO.
  • MICOIL is a Greek product, and all its studies were developed by Greek scientists and researchers supervised by Greek Universities and Institutions.
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